Recovery is a non-profit community service organization that was founded in 1937 by the late Abraham A. Low, M.D. who developed the self-help method after many years of research, study and treatment of patients. The organization has been completely member-managed since 1952. Our international headquarters are in Chicago, Illinois. There are hundreds of groups meeting each week throughout North America and abroad.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Area 19 Business Meeting this Saturday April 16, 2011

1 comment:

  1. Many of the RI telephone meetings now require membership in Abraham Low Self Help Systems. Membership is $30.00 per year and includes the "Recovery Reporter," the quarterly newsletter from Chicago Headquarters, and part of the cost is tax deductible.

    Click on the Links of Interest - Abraham Low Self-Help Systems which gives you information about becoming a member. This money also helps our organization, providing free brochures, our website, chat rooms, etc. The cost is $.08 per day; a small price to pay for our Mental Health.

    Nancy S.
