Recovery is a non-profit community service organization that was founded in 1937 by the late Abraham A. Low, M.D. who developed the self-help method after many years of research, study and treatment of patients. The organization has been completely member-managed since 1952. Our international headquarters are in Chicago, Illinois. There are hundreds of groups meeting each week throughout North America and abroad.

What is Recovery International?

Recovery International (RI) is a peer-led self-help group that teaches techniques to help us change thoughts and behaviors that cause psychological distress. Whether you or someone you know is looking to overcome a specific fear or phobia, are sleepless because of stress or are dealing with depression, anger, obsessive thoughts or compulsions, RI can help.

We provide reassurance and fellowship through meeting friendly people with similar problems who have found a way to live happier, healthier lives. Meetings are open to everyone over the age of 18. There is no charge to attend but we do collect a free will offering.

The most difficult step is coming to that first meeting. Everyone at the meeting is there to improve or maintain their mental health. Each one of them had to summon the courage to walk in that door the first time. And when they did so they learned their first tool, to endorse themselves for their efforts to get well.

Recovery International is a program of the non-profit organization Abraham Low Self Help Systems. Please visit the national web site for more information on Recovery's tools, stories of hope, and our interactive forum.



The Recovery International Method is a system of cognitive-behavioral self-help techniques for controlling behavior and changing attitudes. People who practice the living skills detailed in the Recovery International Method learn to change their thoughts and behaviors; changes in attitudes and beliefs follow.

Neuropsychiatrist and University of Illinois Professor of Psychiatry Abraham Low, MD, developed these self-help techniques. These technqiues are explained in Low’s book Mental Health Through Will Training, Manage YourFears Manage Your Anger, Selections From Works by Dr. Low and other materials developed by Dr. Low. You can buy these books in our online bookstore.

Altnhough many people solely use the Recovery International Method for their needs, it is not intended as a substitute for professional care, but rather as an adjunct to it. The system and meetings offer the training and advice necessary for applying the Recovery International Method to everyday life.

There are three parts to the Recovery International Method:

1. Attending Recovery International meetings and giving four-part examples.
2. Reading Dr. Low’s books.
3. Practicing the Recovery International tools in your daily life.

What the Recovery International Method Helps

The Recovery International Method helps people manage feelings or impulses which impair the ability to live a normal life. These feelings and impulses include:

Attention deficit disorder
Bipolar disorder
Borderline personality disorder
Conflict resolution
Eating disorders
Feelings of low self worth
Mood disorders
Obsessive compulsive disorder
Panic attacks
Poor self image
Schizoaffective disorder
Sleep problems
Social anxiety
Social phobia
Suicidal tendencies