Recovery is a non-profit community service organization that was founded in 1937 by the late Abraham A. Low, M.D. who developed the self-help method after many years of research, study and treatment of patients. The organization has been completely member-managed since 1952. Our international headquarters are in Chicago, Illinois. There are hundreds of groups meeting each week throughout North America and abroad.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Leaders Meeting will be Saturday, Sept. 17 from 10-12 noon

Just an FYI that the next Leaders Meeting will be Saturday, August 20
from 10-12 noon.
We meet at the River Oak Center for Children, 5030 El Camino Ave. (At
Walnut Ave., and El Camino Ave. behind Shell station). It's the
location of the Tuesday meeting. Hope to see you all there.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Update Meeting list

Added (lost?) Woodland meeting to Meeting list.  (Thanks Nancy)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Revolving Libraries

Great news!
We will again be selling the RI books at the Leaders Meeting on the 3rd
Sat. of each month. I have several Manage your Fears, the new RI
Discovery Workbooks and the new Wisdon of Dr. Low books for sale for
your revolving literature. I have also ordered Mental Health through
Will Training and hopefully they will arrive before our meeting on the
17th. So, once again you won't have to wait to order these for your
revolving literature, they will be available for your members at your
meetings. I hope this makes it easier for you to obtain these vital
books for your members. Hope to see you all on Saturday, Sept. 17 at
10:00 at the River Oak Center for Children at the corner of El
Camino (off of Watt) and Walnut. Any questions? Thanks for all you do
for Recovery. Please endorse yourselves.
Take care,

Tuesday meeting moves to Wednesday at 6:30 PM


Added Newcomer Packet and August Newsletter

Formatting changes.