Recovery is a non-profit community service organization that was founded in 1937 by the late Abraham A. Low, M.D. who developed the self-help method after many years of research, study and treatment of patients. The organization has been completely member-managed since 1952. Our international headquarters are in Chicago, Illinois. There are hundreds of groups meeting each week throughout North America and abroad.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Bonnie's Comment

This "blog", "website" is for all RI members in the Central Valley to read, post and comment to.  

 Please group leaders, let your group know about
Tell them to sign up to follow by email.  By following, they will receive an email when there a new post is made.   This is what the "Follow by Email" box looks like.

I am attempting to maintain a "SECURE" site.  We are not connecting to Facebook, Twitter or any other social networks because we have chosen to maintain some anonymity.  (Too much personal information is maintained on those sites.)

We have designed this to be as anonymous as possible.  There are no full names used or required to follow or comment.  There will not be a connection to Facebook because it reveals too much personal information.

Anybody can read, and request to follow, but only "Blog Authors" can add posts, such as meeting updates, spots, general sharing, whatever.  So, contact me to be added to the Blog Authors list.   There are two levels of authors.  Anyone with admin privileges can add you to the list as author.   (more info to follow.)


This should be a safe place for all area members to share. 

Annual Dinner Needs New Location

  Our regular location for the annual dinner is not available this year.

If anyone knows of a facility we might rent on Saturday, November 5 or 12,  from 5 to 10 PM, please us know by comment below, call to the phone number above, or any local leader.

Some churches or Community Centers rent out their Halls.  It would be good to have a small kitchen with an oven to warm things if possible.  Attendance will be about 40-60, with tables for people to sit down for the potluck.

This annual event brings is great fun and an opportunity to meet folks from all area meetings.   The SILENT AUCTION usually includes everything from white elephant gifts, items made by our members and old RI literature and paraphernalia.

It's been a fun time where we recognize people, bid on gently used items, laugh a lot and of course eat a lot.

From Nancy S - Thanks everyone for thinking of a place for RI Sacto Area to celebrate.  From me, thanks Nancy.

June 18 Business Meeting

The Leaders Meeting is Saturday, June 18 from 10-12 noon, at the Tuesday meeting location. That is at the corner of El Camino and Walnut Ave. in Carmichael, River Oaks Center. Since it's a locked facility, please arrive as close to 10am as possible. It will be held in the room at the front of the building.

At the last meeting we talked about securing a place for our Annual Dinner in November. Darryl contacted the Church of the Good Shepherd on Morse and Arden, but they are remodeling in the Fall, and are not taking reservations for the meeting hall. Thanks Darryl for your group mindedness.

Submitted by Nancy S

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Blog Format Updates

Moved technical update stuff to its own page
Moved "important stuff", actually pages, to sidebar